Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind Google Car

The creature exists, there isn't any doubt about it. You've seen the pictures, right? Yeah.

But I've been there, y'know. Where the picture was taken? Yeah, that's like, ten minutes from where I live. I drive through there every day. And let me tell you, when I saw those photos, I felt so validated, you wouldn't believe it.

Damn right I've seen the thing. Told everyone I knew about it, too, and all they did was laugh.

So I stumble onto this photo online and see this blurry-ass motherfucker stare me dead in the eye, and I'm losing my mind. People all over the comments are trying to come up with explanations and seeing a bunch of shit that just plain isn't there. And it's getting heated. Like, it's starting to boil.

And they're all fucking wrong, is the thing!

Even the name is wrong. "Mountain Creature Caught Running Behind Google Car". Nonsense. That thing wasn't running. I don't think it can run, even. Like, I understand why it looks that way from that blurry picture, but trust me, that thing trudges along like it's got two broken legs and a bad back.

No, you know what it was doing? The same thing most animals do when they're spotted. It's frozen up, trying to camouflage! I’ve seen it do it a bunch of times.

You know those bugs that look like sticks, or leaves? The little guy looks like a damn tree stump. Thing is, there isn't a single creature in those woods that would mistake it for one. The color's all wrong, and plus, it can't close its eyes properly. The only way I can imagine its camouflage working is through a bad camera.

Which leads me to the conclusion that the only reason it pretends to be a stump is to make people on Reddit argue about it.


Day 12: Sandown Clown


Day 14: Nessie