Dover Demon

Following Mr. Victor Halloway's passing due to Covid-19 related complications, and in accordance with his last will and testament, we are releasing the previously-withheld interview regarding the fourth (chronologically first) sighting of the entity known as the “Dover Demon”.

Though most of the tape suffered extensive water damage and has been lost, we have transcribed the surviving excerpts.

Rest in peace, Vic.


HALLOWAY: ...and I had been out for a few hours.

INTERVIEWER: What were you doing outside at such a late hour?

HALLOWAY: Looking for my cat, Felix. He had been missing all day, and didn't come back by dinner time, so I grabbed my flashlight and looked for him in the surrounding woods.


HALLOWAY: Yes, sir. I wasn't too scared. I know my way around; it wasn't the first or second time someone got lost in those woods.

INTERVIEWER: I do hope your cat found its way home.

HALLOWAY: Afraid not, sir.

INTERVIEWER: I'm very sorry to hear that.

HALLOWAY: Thank you, sir.

INTERVIEWER: Tell me more about what you saw that night, if you don't mind.

HALLOWAY: Not at all, sir. It was... midnight, maybe one in the morning, when I heard something. I had a can of tuna with me--Felix's favorite--so I started shaking it around and calling his name. It was very dark, I couldn't see anything around me, just wherever the light landed. And then I hear another sound, just to my left, and when I turn to face it, there he is, the creature. My heart nearly failed me right there.

INTERVIEWER: What was it doing?

HALLOWAY: He was standing right in front of me, staring at me. When he saw me, he made a sound like a hiss through gritted teeth. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

INTERVIEWER: Could you describe this creature for me?

HALLOWAY: He was maybe three, four feet tall. Gray. Maybe--


INTERVIEWER: standing? Did you get a sense of its posture?

HALLOWAY: He was on all fours on the branch. I remember thinking it made no sense for such a large creature to balance itself on such a small branch, but then I saw his feet, and they kind of... tapered off into... you know when you leave potatoes out for too long, and their eyes start to sprout?

INTERVIEWER: I am familiar.

HALLOWAY: And they were all wrapped up around the branch, wrapped up really tight, so tight that I could see sap dripping from between his fingers.

INTERVIEWER: Did it move in any way?

HALLOWAY: Yeah. After he saw me, he stepped forward, and his fingers, or tendrils, they wiggled around like they were independent of each other. But then he stopped, as if he had changed his mind.

INTERVIEWER: What can you tell me about its head? You said it was as large as the rest of its body.

HALLOWAY: Larger, sir, I'd say larger. His head looked swollen, slumped forward, like he was having trouble propping it up.

INTERVIEWER: Any facial features?

HALLOWAY: He had a... a kind of...

INTERVIEWER: Like a mask?

HALLOWAY: No, I mean, just a flat... surface, of skin, or maybe fur, all over his features. It covered up his eyes, and his nose, but I could hear him wheeze, and I swore I saw his chest heave with each breath.

INTERVIEWER: It must have been a terrifying experience, sir.

HALLOWAY: A little bit, sir. But I didn't feel like I was in danger.


HALLOWAY: I don't know. I never got that from him. Besides, he looked like he was in pain.

INTERVIEWER: What happened then?

HALLOWAY: He just bolted all of a sudden. I heard the branch snap and he just... disappeared. I couldn't see very well, mind you, he probably just fell where I couldn't see him, and I even heard the leaves rattle as he ran.

INTERVIEWER: Did you chase it?

HALLOWAY: It wouldn't have crossed my mind! Besides, a car drove by on the nearby road just about then, and by the time I could listen for him again, it was too late. He was well and gone.

INTERVIEWER: Let's move on to the aftermath of the encounter. When y--


INTERVIEWER: Thank you, Mister Halloway. I'll make sure to inform my superiors of the details of your experience.


INTERVIEWER: Before I do, though, may I ask one more question? About your account here today.

HALLOWAY: Of course, sir.

INTERVIEWER: You have been consistently referring to the creature as 'he'. Did you have a look at any of its anatomy?

HALLOWAY: No, sir. It's just...


HALLOWAY: I've had a lot of time to think since the sighting, you know? And something didn't feel right.

INTERVIEWER: What do you mean?

HALLOWAY A pet owner knows his animals, sir, he could recognize them anywhere. And I think... I think the creature I saw that night was Felix.




Day 6: Euroa Beast


Day 8: Van Meter Visitor